Remember the book, "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten?" The core point was to get back to the basic lessons about life that we were all taught as children. The book popped back into mind upon reading an email from my son's fourth grade teacher, Emily Cary, as she wished her students well during their transition to middle school.
While originally meant for ten-year olds, Ms. Cary's words are good reminders for us all about the power of mistakes, passion and the beauty and uniqueness of you: "From starting school in masks to ending with your smiling faces uncovered, what a true blessing each one of you is to me!
We have laughed, cried, celebrated, and struggled, but most importantly grown as individuals. As you start this new journey to middle school remember these things:
The world needs YOU! Your unique personality is incredibly special and there is no one like you!
It’s okay to make mistakes, even big ones. Working through life’s challenges will only make you stronger and wiser.
YOU can change the world! Find your passion, go after it, and the rest will fall into place.
When in doubt, choose compassion and kindness. They will never steer you wrong.
YOU are smart! YOU are funny! YOU are enough! Your smile brings joy to my day! Always dare to be unique because YOU, my child, are worth all of your given talents and more!
Each trait YOU have makes a beautiful picture for all of us to see! As my mom always told me, don't be afraid to be a kaleidoscope child! Kaleidoscopes are ever-changing and are always beautiful on the inside and outside!"
Which part of her message resonated with you most? I received the message while recovering from a tough bout with Covid, so I needed the reminder that working through life's challenges makes me stronger. Perhaps you needed a reminder that you are enough, you are smart, and you are funny!
No matter where we are in our professional and personal journeys, Ms. Cary's message is a lovely reminder that we all have unique gifts to offer the world.
As a coach, I often work with leaders who need these reminders because they are in a personal or professional place where they do not feel like "enough" or do not feel like their gifts are valued.
If this sounds like you, I encourage you to take some time this summer to think about how you want to spend the next year of your life. What would feel and be different? What would success look like?
Then, make a list of the small changes you can begin making TODAY to move closer to a vision of Ms. Cary's world. As the cliche goes... Major life changes begin with a single small step.
What step will you make this month?

Nicole Provonchee is an executive coach and strategist that works with women leaders and women-led teams across the nation.
After 20 years climbing the corporate ladder, Nicole started Bright Blue Consulting, where she can combine her skills as a coach with her practical experiences as a leader and executive.
Nicole is a sought-after speaker and can bring her "get out of your own way," self-advocacy, communication, and healthy conflict skills workshops to your organization or company.
If you want to be even more successful, reach out about coaching, learn more about her events and speaking, or reach out today.